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AutoHistory for Word 2007

I’ve created a new little tool, which is called AutoHistory (for Word 2007).

I got the inspiration from Visual Local History for Visual Studio. This tool automatically creates a backup every time you save a file.

AutoHistory now provides the same functionality within Word 2007. Everytime you save your document (and something has changed), a backup is created.

From now on you will never lost important information. You can restore every version you’ve ever saved, even if you do not use a version control system (like Team Foundation Server or Subversion).

This tool is fully integrated in Word 2007 within the View Ribbon:


If you check the checkbox you will see all saved versions of the current document:


Within this taskpane you can easily view and restore every version.

You can download the setup from here:

Please feel free to drop me a line, if you have any questions or suggestions: mail at mwiedemeyer dot de.

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